MAYDAY's joined Fight for $15, the national fight against the fast food
industry and their lobbyists, to provide an equal voice and living wage
to low-income workers.
Join Cleanup Carl's National Cleanup Tour!
Follow our newest campaign tool, Cleanup Carl, as he travels around the
country cleaning up toxic threats to our democracy.
We traveled to New Hampshire to tell Kris Kobach's sham voter "fraud" commission
to keep their hands off our vote!
Fighting For Dignity and Democracy
We've joined Restaurant Opportunity Centers United's campaign to fight
for One Fair Wage and end the corruptive power of the National Restaurant
“It’s an ingenious plan to make the drive for small-dollar publicly funded elections a central issue in 2016. With a little luck... idea could help save the republic.”
“The first part was hard. That second part is even harder. But now that MAYDAY has done the impossible once, it's worth staying tuned to see if they can do it again.”
“The mortal struggle at hand today is not between the right and the left. It is not between Republicans and Democrats. It is not between the Congress and the president. It is between us (currently outsiders to our own government) voters and the Washington Insiders.”