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We are just 70 votes short from a majority in the House, supporting fundamental reform in the way campaigns are funded.

Ask your member of Congress to #Lead4Reform

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Now: Amplify your voice!

Let's show our friends and family that we can repair our republic.

Calling on representatives to stand up as leaders is positive. It shows respect. It gives them the credit that their constituents also gave them. It asks them to be exactly what this Nation needs – a force for change, for the good of everyone. The pundits see impossible. We see hope. Join us.

Our letter to Congress

Mayday PAC is recruiting leaders in Congress who will fundamentally change the way elections are funded.

Dear Congressperson,

Mayday PAC (MAYDAY.US) is a crowd-funded super PAC committed to fundamentally changing the way elections are funded. We want to help reform the system so that more of your constituents feel motivated to engage and participate.

We believe – not as Democrats, or as Republicans, but as citizens – that our Congress is crippled by its dependence on campaign cash. We also believe it is on us to do something about it – by supporting leaders who will fundamentally change the way campaigns are funded so that legislators are dependent on citizens, not the funders of campaigns.